Austin Financial Services closes $4.5MM ABL facility to manufacturer of prepared salads and spreads.

Austin Financial Services, Inc. (AFS) is pleased to announce the closing of a $4.5MM ABL facility, consisting of an AR & Inventory revolver, to a manufacturer of prepared salads and spreads. Proceeds from AFS’ revolver were used to refinance the bank and will provide ongoing working capital to support the Company’s growth forecasts as it expands its product offerings.

“It was a pleasure teaming with the Company’s high-quality management/ownership team to help transition them out of their bank lending relationship,” said Jason Anish, President and CEO. He continued, “The new AFS facility successfully provided the company with the availability it needed to pay off their bank and as well as with additional working capital in a less restrictive environment, all while meeting the bank’s exit timeline.”

About Austin Financial Services (AFS)

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Austin Financial Services (AFS) is a privately held, nationwide leader in asset-based lending, serving the middle-market sector for over 40 years. Specializing in alternative funding options, AFS provides support to small and medium-sized businesses that are experiencing growth or undergoing a turnaround. Clients typically have revenues ranging from $10MM to $250MM and have borrowing needs of up to $20MM. AFS's comprehensive portfolio includes flexible revolving lines of credit secured by accounts receivable and inventory, along with term loans secured by equipment.

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